Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The Annual Thiru Vilakku Poojai will be held on 18.07.2010 (Sunday), 7.30 pm at AVS Centre. Relatives/members are cordially invited to participate in this event.


AVS is please to announce that a new address book will be published soon. To facilitate this, all relatives are requested to kindly update the address, contact numbers and other information as per update form attached. The forms have been sent to you recently and in case you have not received or lost it, kindly print out. Duly completed forms can be sent via email, fax or post to the address/contact info in the letterhead.

AVS Future Activities

The management commitee has lined up a number of activities for year 2010 / 2011. Participation from all AVs are encouraged.

AVS Development Fund

As agrreed in the last AGM, AVS Development Fund will be launced soon. Your kind support is very much needed. Details as below: